(3 customer reviews)


ANAVAR 10MG (Oxandrolone)

Manufactured: Meditech

Basic substance: Oxandrolone

Package: 50 Tablets pack

Category: Oral Steroids


ANAVAR 10MG (Oxandrolone)

ANAVAR 10MG (Oxandrolone) is used to treat conditions of muscle wasting and rapid weight loss, as is a common reason for inception with any anabolic steroid.

Buy ANAVAR 10MG (Oxandrolone) is everyone’s favorite oral cutting anabolic steroid. It produces clean, high quality gains in strength, and a very distinct hardening effect on the physique of the user. The only drawback is that it’s a very expensive chemical to produce. It’s also not overly toxic despite being an oral steroid, it doesn’t produce many side effects at all, and is relatively mild on the natural endocrine system (for a steroid, that is). You’re not going to gain much, if any bodyweight from the drug, but what you do gain will be very nice looking muscle, and little if any weight gain in the way of water.

ANAVAR 10MG is considered as a weak steroid that is slightly androgenic such that it has very minimal side effects on the growth of children. When the drug is administered in small doses, the side effects or contraindications are limited. Most concern is shown when men use the steroid as it affects the production of testosterone. Buy ANAVAR tablet is mostly used to enhance energy level.

Side effects ANAVAR

Most anabolic steroids carry with them the possibility of many adverse side-effects. It is important to keep in mind these side-effects are only possible, they are by no means guaranteed or assured and are largely avoidable when used responsibly. However, negative side-effects can occur when steroids are abused and even in some who are sensitive even though they use responsibly they may fall prey to negative outcomes; the same can be said of Aspirin. While many anabolic steroids carry vast possible negative side-effects such as estrogenic related due to aromatization, Anavar does not possess these traits. Anavar does not aromatize making common side-effects such as Gynecomastia little to no concern; Further, as most steroids are very suppressive to natural testosterone production Anavar is very mild in this regard, so mild that one could take Anavar and still produce some natural testosterone. However, some suppression will still exist and the extent will largely be dose dependent.

ANAVAR 10MG (Oxandrolone) Dosage

Depending on user experience, bodyweight, and goals, dosage levels will vary:

· Men: 30 mg to 80 mg per day
· Women: 5 mg to 15 mg per day

We’ve seen dosages as high as 100 mg per day for men and 20 mg per day for women, but it’s not very common. The higher the dose, the more likely you’ll run into side effects and health issues.

ANAVAR has a half-life of 8 to 10 hours so the daily dosage should be split between two servings. For example, if you are taking 30 mg per day, you’ll take 15 mg in the morning and 15 mg in the evening.

Oxandrolone Cycle

A typical Oxandrolone cycle will run six weeks, and this will be followed by post-cycle therapy, a supplement that is used to reverse liver damage and kickstart suppressed testosterone. Keep in mind that even the best post-cycle therapy supplements (PCTs) don’t always work to undo the damage.